Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Visit the Projects Gallery


Factory-built buildings are constructed in sections:

  • Superior Product

    While your building is under construction, the site works can already be well underway. With our five facilities located throughout Ontario, Senator Group can harness our resources to deliver a superior product saving you time which leads to significant monetary savings.



Sustainable • Durable • Adaptive • High Quality

green benefits
  • Reduced material use

    We use less building materials through our advanced framing, building techniques and approach to building construction. Our factory controlled process creates less material waste and reduced energy consumption compared to on-site construction.



Minimum risk exposure and maximum upside for any firm looking for factory-built solutions:

  • Experience

    Senator Group is the lead firm, but is not a single entity that is undertaking the design-build of your project. The experience of our staff represents a combined total of over 120 years. Our comprehensive organization can handle the size, complexity and breadth of any project.



We will build to your exacting requirements. We believe that our clients should be as much a part of the design process as possible to tailor the right solution to your specific needs.

Time Savings = Financial Savings

  • Reduced Construction Cost Financing
  • Faster Track To Occupancy and Project Revenue Generation
  • Faster Turnaround of Investment & Cash Flow
  • Faster Re-Deployment of Resources & Reduced Risk


  • Mobile Offices & Complexes

Senator Group is an industry leader in factory-built office space.

modular offices

Assembled on-site in hours:

Securing an office space solution couldn’t be easier than using one of our mobile office or office complexes.

These space solutions offer all the features and conveniences of traditional office space; the difference is that we bring it to you. Our office space is an inexpensive space solution, easy to move, install and commission, giving you the valuable work space to run projects and keep business operations running smoothly. Offices meet the electrical and networking needs demanded by today’s business environment. They are constructed using durable, high quality materials supported by the best customer service in the industry.

modular offices

Professional Working Enviornments

The interiors are bright and roomy and complement a professional working environment. All units come with sheet vinyl flooring, vinyl drywall finished walls and acoustical ceilings. The space comes fully equipped with an integrated HVAC system able to withstand all types of weather conditions. Interior wall configurations can be customized and exteriors are well finished. If you choose to purchase, our space solutions can be fully design-built to match your corporate image and office space needs.

modular offices

Factory Built Office Solutions

In-Plant office applications involving no operational downtime as offices are built in our manufacturing facility and delivered to your plant.



On-Site Installation

Here you can see how easy it is to have a pre-built structure assembled on-site.

  • Unit 1
    On-site assembly of Unit 1 of 5. Unit 1
  • Unit 2
    On-site assembly of Unit 2 of 5. Unit 2
  • Unit 3
    On-site assembly of Unit 3 of 5. Unit 3
  • Unit 1, 2 & 3
    On-site assembly of Units 1,2 & 3 of 5. Unit 1, 2 & 3
  • Unit 4
    On-site assembly of Unit 4 of 5. Unit 4
  • Parapet Walls
    On-site assembly of the parapet walls. Parapet Walls
  • Unit 5
    On-site assembly of Unit 5 of 5. Unit 5
  • Interior Finishing Work
    On-site interior finishing work. Interior Finishing Work
  • Exterior Finishing Work
    On-site exterior finishing work. Exterior Finishing Work

Any Size • Flexible • Fast • Quality • Value

Senator Group provides office space solutions to these industries:

  • Construction Jobsite Offices, Administrative Offices, Sales Office Pavilions
  • Washroom Trailer – Ablution Units Meeting Stringent Sanitary Regulations
  • Field Office, Lab, Training, or In-Plant Office
  • Educational Temporary Classroom Accommodation
  • Home Builders, Real Estate Developers
  • Government / GSA Solutions
  • Healthcare Add-On Medical Facilities
  • Energy, Utilities, Forestry and Mining Workforce Accommodations, Storage & Swing Space
  • Highway and Infrastructure Project Units for Weigh and Terminal Stations
  • Retail and Hospitality Offices, Conference Centres
  • Agriculture and Landscaping Storage Facilities
  • Disaster Reconstruction, Recovery & Rapid Response Facilities
  • Golf Clubhouses, Car Dealerships/Pavilions, Special Events & Venue Facilities
  • Membership and Religious Organization Facilities
  • Any industry requiring temporary or permanent space solutions

Our buildings last many years and can be easily moved. If you need additional
space we are just a phone call away.

Contact us

Green Benefits

Sustainable • Durable • Adaptive • High Quality Reduced material useWe...

Our Building Process

Factory-built buildings are constructed in sections: Superior...

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Mobile Offices & Complexes

Mobile Offices & Complexes
Mobile Offices & Complexes Senator Group is an industry leader in factory-built office space. Assembled on-site in hours: Securing an office space solution couldn’t be easier than...

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